Sunday, October 08, 2006

Review Webquest

For Today's Webquest you need to answer the following review questions on looseleaf paper. The assignment is worth 35 points.

If you finish early you may work on the Investigating Disease Webquest for 15 extra points.


1. Research a Current Event here. Write the title of the article and the main theme. What is one way you could use this article to help yourself or your community?

2. What are stem cells? How can they help cure diseases? Do you support stem cell research? Why or why not?

3. Make a T-chart comparing eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Make a T-chart comparing plant and animal cells. Have at least 4 items on each T-chart

4. Make a T-chart comparing and contrasting Mitosis and Meiosis. (get at least 4 items).

5. Research an online dissection website. Write the URL of the website down and tell me 2 interesting things you learned from it.

6. Give an example of a haploid cell. How many chromosomes does a human haploid cell have? Give an example of a diploid cell. How many chromosomes does a human diploid cell have?

7. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative observations?

8. What are three factors that affect diffusion rates? Make sure to describe each one.

9. Describe the disease diabetes. Which form of diabetes is closely linked to obesity?

10. Describe the disease cancer. What types of drugs are we developing to combat it?

11. Name five characteristics that are considered distinct properties of all living things.

12. How are the organs of a multicellular organism like the organelles of a single cell?

13. Describe the meaning of homeostasis.

14. What are autotrophs and heterotrophs?

15. Explain why the leaves of plants appear green to the human eye.

16. Identify two ways in which genetic recombination results during meiosis.

17. The DNA molecule is described as a double helix. Describe the meaning of this expression and the general structure of a DNA molecule. Write your answer in the space below.

18. Describe how a molecule of DNA is replicated. Write your answer in the space below.

19. Identify the three types of RNA and briefly describe the function of each. Write your answer in the space below.


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