Saturday, December 18, 2004

Bio Study Guide

Bio Study Guide: Complete this and you will rock the Celebration!!!

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Alicia wants to study the effect of light on the growth of bean seedlings. How should she set up her experiment?
a. She should grow ten bean seedlings in a lighted area. b. She should grow ten bean seedlings in a dark area. c. She should grow five bean seedlings in a lighted area and five radish seedlings in a dark area. d. She should grow five bean seedlings in a lighted area and five bean seedlings in a dark area.

____ 2. A student wants to study the effect of chlorine on the growth of bacteria. The student sets up four test tubes and adds 20-mL of sterile beef broth to each test tube. The student adds 5-mL of chlorine solution to test tube A, 10-mL of chlorine solution to test tube B, 15-mL of chlorine solution to test tube C, and nothing to test tube D. The student then plugs the test tubes with cotton. Every day for a week, the student checks each test tube for signs of bacterial growth.
What role does test tube D play in this experiment?
a. variable b. hypothesis c. catalyst d. control

____ 3. In a certain aquatic ecosystem, low concentrations of pesticides in the water led to high concentrations of pesticides in organisms at the top of a food chain. This can BEST be explained by the fact that organisms at the highest level of a food chain ____.
a. are more susceptible to pesticide toxicity b. consume a large number of organisms from lower levels c. like to rap d. produce more offspring

____ 4. The gypsy moth was brought to the United States in 1869 in an attempt to start a silkworm industry. Escaping soon after, the gypsy moth has become, over the past century, a major tree pest in the forests of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada.
What is the most significant conclusion that can be drawn from the events reported in the paragraph above? (Think about our Alien Invasions article)
a. Imported species can disrupt a balanced ecosystem. b. Gypsy moths produce silk. c. Imported species have difficulty adapting to a new environment. d. Gypsy moths are herbivores.

____ 5. Alligators in wetland regions normally feed on animals such as shorebirds. Shorebirds usually feed on small fish and frogs. Recently, scientists released a large number of alligators into a wetland region. Scientists expected that as a result of this increase in the alligator population, the population of small fish and frogs would ____.
a. remain about the same b. rapidly decrease c. become extinct d. notably increase

____ 6. Groups of similar cells that do the same sort of work are ____.
a. organs b. organ systems c. tissues d. organelles

____ 7. Some species of mistletoe harm the trees on which they grow. The mistletoe’s roots grow into the tree and take nutrients from the tree. This relationship is an example of ____.
a. parasitism b. mutualism c. commensalism d. biotic potential

____ 8. A(n) ____ is made up of a biotic community and the abiotic factors that affect it.
a. Mr. G 4th period class b. niche c. biome d. ecosystem

____ 9. The struggle among organisms to obtain the resources they need to survive and reproduce is called ____.
a. competition b. carrying capacity c. population spacing d. symbiosis

____ 10. Which of the following are examples of fossils?
a. shells or old bones b. any traces of dead organisms c. footprints of human ancestors, insects trapped in tree sap, and animals buried in tar d. All of the above

____ 11. The process by which a population becomes better suited to its environment is known as
a. accommodation. b. variation. c. adaptation. d. selection.

____ 12. According to Darwin, evolution occurs
a. by chance. b. during half-life periods of 5,715 years. c. because of natural selection. d. rapidly.

____ 13. Organisms well suited to their environment
a. reproduce more successfully than those less suited to the same environment. b. are always larger than organisms less suited to that environment. c. always dance more d. need less food than organisms less suited to that environment.

____ 14. Natural selection is the process by which
a. the age of selected fossils is calculated. b. organisms with traits well suited to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well-adapted organisms in the same environment. c. Mr. Gibney’s 4th period class works d. Christmas came about

____ 15. Which of the following is a vestigial structure?
a. the human tailbone b. the bill of a finch c. flower color d. fossil cast

____ 16. Homologous structures in organisms suggest that the organisms
a. share a common ancestor. b. must have lived at different times. c. have a skeletal structure. d. are now extinct.

____ 17. Structures that no longer serve an important function are called
a. inorganic. b. mutated. c. fossilized. d. vestigial.

____ 18. The science of classifying living things is called
a. identification. b. classification. c. taxonomy. d. speciation.

____ 19. As we move through the biological hierarchy from the kingdom to species level, organisms
a. vary more and more. b. are less and less related to each other. c. become more similar in appearance. d. always are members of the same order.

____ 20. Which of the following scientists developed the system of classifying organisms by assigning them a genus and species name?
a. Leakey b. Aristotle c. Darwin d. Linnaeus

____ 21. The scientific name of an organism
a. varies according to the native language of scientists. b. is the same for scientists all over the world. c. may refer to more than one species. d. may have more than one genus name.

____ 22. Scientific names are written in what language?
a. English b. Greek c. Arabic d. Latin

____ 23. The correct order of the biological hierarchy from kingdom to species is
a. kingdom, class, family, order, phylum, genus, species. b. kingdom, phylum, order, family, class, genus, species. c. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. d. kingdom, class, order, phylum, family, genus, species.

____ 24. The lowest hierarchy level in biological classification is the
a. genus. b. species. c. family. d. order.

____ 25. The organism at the base of a phylogenetic tree is
a. the oldest living organism among those depicted in the tree. b. the common ancestor of all the organisms depicted in the tree. c. the modern form of the common ancestor of all the organisms depicted in the tree. d. the simplest organisms among those depicted in the tree.

____ 26. The catchall kingdom is kingdom
a. Protista. b. Plantae. c. Animalia. d. Fungi.

____ 27. Bacteria are the only organisms characterized as
a. unicellular. b. prokaryotic. c. eukaryotic. d. photosynthetic.

____ 28. Bacteria can be classified according to their
a. type of cell walls. b. methods of obtaining energy. c. Gram-staining characteristics. d. All of the above

____ 29. Bacterial endospores
a. occur where there is plenty of available food. b. allow certain species to survive harsh environmental conditions. c. are similar to human tumors. d. can cause growth abnormalities in plants.

____ 30. Which of the following are used by at least some bacteria for movement?
a. pili b. flagella c. cytoplasmic projections d. All of the above

____ 31. Which of the following is a fermentation product of bacteria?
a. chocolate b. ice cream c. yogurt d. Gibneys

____ 32. Antibiotics
a. include penicillin, tetracycline, and streptomycin. b. may prevent bacteria from making new cell walls. c. are very effective treatments for bacterial diseases. d. All of the above

____ 33. The study of viruses is a part of biology because
a. they belong to the kingdom Eubacteria. b. they are about to become extinct. c. they are living organisms. d. they are active inside living cells.

____ 34. Viruses that use reverse transcriptase to cause their host cells to transcribe DNA from an RNA template are called
a. bacteriophages. b. antibodies. c. retroviruses. d. 4th period Bio class

____ 35. The skin repels pathogens by
a. functioning as a barrier. b. producing antibodies. c. engaging in chemical warfare. d. Both a and c

____ 36. The first line of defense against infection includes
a. mucous membranes. b. neutrophils. c. cytotoxic T cells. d. antibodies.

____ 37. The stomach is involved in defense against infection by
a. regurgitating any pathogen that might be swallowed. b. secreting mucus that is carried away by cilia. c. possessing acid that destroys potential pathogens that are swallowed. d. sending potential pathogens to the liver for destruction.

____ 38. Phagocytes, such as macrophages,
a. produce strong antibiotics. b. secrete interferon. c. shut down immune responses. d. ingest and destroy pathogens.

____ 39. White blood cells that ingest invading microbes and cellular debris resulting from microbial attacks are called
a. macrophages. b. neutrophils. c. natural killer cells. d. complement cells.

____ 40. Which of the following engulfs foreign cells?
a. helper T cell b. B cell c. macrophage d. antibody

____ 41. B cells
a. sometimes remain in the blood for years. b. secrete antibodies. c. are stimulated by helper T cells. d. All of the above

____ 42. All vaccines are produced from killed or weakened
a. phagocytes. b. pathogens. c. antigens. d. allergens.

____ 43. Which of the following describes the actions of HIV?
a. HIV attacks and cripples the immune system. b. HIV invades macrophages and helper T cells. c. HIV kills large numbers of helper T cells. d. All of the above

____ 44. The debilitating effects of AIDS are due to inability of the immune system to
a. activate B cells and cytotoxic T cells. b. produce antibodies against pathogens. c. recognize and destroy infected cells. d. All of the above

____ 45. HIV can be transmitted
a. through sexual intercourse with an infected person. b. by breast-feeding. c. by sharing contaminated hypodermic needles and syringes. d. All of the above

____ 46. The process by which sperm leave the male’s body is called
a. secretion. b. ejaculation. c. diffusion. d. locomotion.

____ 47. Sperm and eggs are both
a. haploid. b. diploid. c. tetraploid. d. None of the above

____ 48. Embryonic cells are organized into the major organ systems
a. during the sixth month. b. by the end of the first trimester. c. during the second trimester. d. just before birth.

____ 49. Pregnancy is often divided into three 3-month periods known as
a. quarters. b. fetal development. c. trimesters. d. ovarian cycles.

Complete each sentence or statement.

50. A species that has disappeared permanently is said to be ____________________.

51. A change in species over time is called ____________________.

52. The process by which organisms with traits well suited to an environment survive and reproduce at a greater rate than organisms less suited for that environment is called ____________________.

53. A(n) ____________________ consists of all the individuals of a particular species in a particular place.

54. Homologous structures are similar because they originated in a shared ____________________.

55. Closely related species show more ____________________ in nucleotide sequences than distantly related species.

56. Corals, spiders, and rodents all belong to the kingdom ____________________.

57. Spiral bacteria are called ____________________.

58. Spherical bacteria are called ____________________.

59. Rod-shaped bacteria are called ____________________.

60. Protective structures that some bacteria may form under harsh conditions are ____________________.

61. A virus that transcribes DNA from an RNA template is called a(n) ____________________.

62. All viruses reproduce by taking over the reproductive machinery of a ____________________.

63. Viruses that infect a host cell and have their nucleic acid replicated but do not harm the host cell are in a ____________________ cycle.

64. A viral DNA molecule formed from an RNA virus is called a(n) ____________________.

65. The virus that causes AIDS is called ____________________.

66. Some viruses are thought to induce ____________________, a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division.


77. Choose 2 of the following terms and explain them and give an example. clumped dispersion, even dispersion, random dispersion

78. Explain the difference between density dependent and density independent population regulation factors. Use examples to show this.

79. How alike and how different are bacteria and viruses? Compare the ways they replicate and cause disease.

80. A new disease has suddenly appeared and scientists are trying to determine whether the disease agent is a virus or a bacterium. They collect the following information:

1. The disease can be transmitted through the air.
2. The disease agent is too small to be seen under a light microscope.
3. There are no known antibiotics that are effective against the disease.
4. The genetic material of the disease agent is DNA.
5. The disease agent cannot be cultured using any known culture medium.

Is the disease agent most likely a bacterium or a virus? Explain your answer. Write your answer in the space below.

81. On December 20, 2004 an unidentified person broke into East St. John High School and stole Mr. Gibney’s fourth period’s raffle. When he broke into Mr. Gibney’s beautiful office (room 150-A) he left behind a drop of blood which Mr. Gibney’s thoughtful students collected as evidence. Suspects in the case include Paul Dunn and Tyrone Weber. Mr. Gibney’s students found that the drop of blood had less than 20 cells so first of all they had to perform a on it. After they generated a bunch of cellular copies of the blood they decided to perform a analysis on it. First they cut up the DNA using a which cut it up into chunks by base pairs. They then ran an on the samples. The repeated this for samples of Paul Dunn’s and Tyrone Weber’s DNA.

If the blood from the crime scene is in band I and Tyrone’s is band II and Paul’s is band III who committed the crime? How accurate do you think this is?

82. Choose one of the following:
A) What does Biogeography suggest about species and their habitats?
B) What does embryological development suggest about species?


83. Explain how acid rain forms. Describe the effects of acid rain on buildings, wildlife, and plant life.

84. A forest is cut down to make space for a new mall. What will be some of the effects of this human activity on the forest ecosystem?

85. Viruses are not considered to be living organisms, but they are still studied as part of biology. Explain. Write your answer in the space below.

86. Explain why the first trimester of pregnancy is such a critical time of development. Write your answer in the space below.

87. Describe the development that occurs in a fetus from the end of the first trimester to the end of the third trimester. Write your answer in the space below.
Bio Study Guide
Answer Section


1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. C

13. A

14. B

15. A

16. A

17. D

18. C

19. C

20. D

21. B

22. D

23. C

24. B

25. B

26. A

27. B

28. D

29. B

30. B

31. C

32. D

33. D

34. C

35. D

36. A

37. C

38. D

39. A

40. C

41. D

42. B

43. D

44. D

45. D

46. B

47. A

48. B

49. C


50. extinct

51. evolution

52. natural selection

53. population

54. ancestor

55. similarities

56. Animalia

57. spirilli

58. cocci

59. bacilli

60. endospores

61. retrovirus

62. cell

63. lysogenic

64. provirus

65. human immunodeficiency virus or HIV

66. cancer


77. clumped - all put together (turtles)
even dispersion - evenly spaced out (birds on a wire or migrating)
random - all over the place (trees in a forest)

78. • Density Independent
– Weather, floods, fires
– Reduce Population by the same proportion
– Ex: forest fire
• Density Dependent
– Resource limitations like food or nesting sites
– Triggered by increasing population density

79. Bacteria are much larger than viruses
Bacteria replicate by binary fission while viruses must reproduce within the host cell

80. The disease agent is most likely a virus. Many viruses can be transmitted through the air, though so can many bacteria. Almost all viruses are too small to be seen under a light microscope, though many bacteria are also too small to be seen under a light microscope. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, while there are antibiotics that are effective against most bacteria. The genetic material of viruses may be DNA or RNA and the genetic material of bacteria is always DNA. Viruses cannot be cultured on artificial media, while most bacteria can. Facts #2, 3, and 5 provide the most significant information indicating that the disease agent is a virus.

81. PCR, RFLP, Restriction Enzyme, Electrophoresis, Tyrone did it

82. A) Biogeography - The study of patterns of geographical distribution of plants and animals across Earth, and the changes in those distributions over time. Speices evolve to fit their habitats
B) Common ancestory


83. Acid rain is acidic moisture in the air that falls to the ground as rain. Acidic moisture forms when moisture in the air combines with sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. Sulfur oxides are emissions from coal-burning power plants. Nitrogen oxides are emissions from cars. Because it is acidic, acid rain can corrode structures on the ground, such as statues and buildings. Acid rain is also harmful to some living things. Some plants do not grow well when exposed to acidic water. Animals that cannot live in water that is acidic will die if the acid level gets too high.

84. Many animals will lose their habitats. They will either die or leave the area. This may overcrowd the remaining forest and cause other animals to die. Erosion my increase. Rainwater will be collected in storm sewers rather than soaking into the ground. This could result in a lowering of the water table in the area. Also, runoff from the parking lots could contaminate soil, further damaging plant life, animal habitats, and so forth.

85. Viruses are active inside living cells, making them an important part of the study of biology. Although viruses contain genetic material and can evolve as this material changes over time, they are not considered living because they are not cellular, cannot make their own protein, and cannot use energy in metabolic processes.

86. Most of the major developmental events (for example, organ formation) occur during early pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during this period. Fetal alcohol syndrome is due to alcohol use by pregnant women, especially during early pregnancy. Exposure to mutagens or drugs at this stage can cause serious damage to the embryo.

87. By the end of the first trimester, all of the major body organs have differentiated, and the sex of the fetus has been established. During the second and third trimesters, the fetus grows rapidly as its organs finish developing and become functional. By the end of the third trimester, the fetus is able to exist outside its mother’s body.


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