Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Extra Credit!!!

Extra Credit: up to 8 points. Design a Poster Showing the Relationship between Chromosomes, Genes, DNA, RNA, and Proteins. Poster must have 1 sentence on it describing the relationship in addition to pictures. Must also be Poster-Board Size. Due Friday.

Weekly Syllabus and Homework

Biology Weekly Syllabus #6: Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Monday: Progress Report Distribution this Week, Computer Lab Activity

Tuesday: Share Current Events, Introduction to RNA

Wednesday: Quiz, Wednesday Guided Reading, Laboratory Exercise

Thursday: Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis Wrapup

Friday: Celebration Test and Genetic Diagrams

Note: BRING BOOK to CLASS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! Thanks =) *note you may leave books in room but you do so at your own risk (if stolen you still must pay for new book)

1) Current Event (Must be on Science) – Due Tuesday

2) BOOK CHECK!!! 5 points (have your book with your name in it)
3) Choose One of the Following: - Due Wednesday
a. Complete Questions 1-5 pg 189
b. Draw a DNA Molecule and label the complementary bases. Write 2 sentences about how complementary base pairing works.

Wednesday 1) Choose one of the following – Due Thursday
a. Complete Questions 1-2 page 192 and Question 1 pg 196
b. Research and write 1 paragraph about Genetically Modified Food

1) Study for Test. Review the sample quiz questions. Answers on www.esjhbiology.blogspot.com
2) Check in on Unit Project Progress (see handout)

1) Work on Unit Project and Have a FANTASTIC Weekend!!!

Extra Credit

For a bonus point on the quiz tomorrow write No Excuses in bold letters on the top of your paper.

Mr. Gibney

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Online Guided Notes Quiz: Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Write the answers to this quiz on your looseleaf sheet.

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. The primary function of DNA is to

a. make proteins.
b. store and transmit genetic information.
c. control chemical processes within cells.
d. prevent mutations.

____ 2. Molecules of DNA are composed of long chains of
a. amino acids.
c. monosaccharides.
b. fatty acids.
d. nucleotides.

____ 3. Which of the following is not part of a molecule of DNA?
a. deoxyribose
b. phosphate
c. nitrogenous base
d. ribose

____ 4. Data from the U.S. Census shows that people who have No High School Diploma earn $15,570 a year, people with a High School Diploma earn $22,481 a year and people with a Bachelor’s Degree earn .
a. $40,347 a year
c. $10 a year
b. $1 a year
d. $0 a year

____ 5. A nucleotide consists of
a. a sugar, a protein, and adenine.
b. a sugar, an amino acid, and starch.
c. a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base.
d. a starch, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base.

____ 6. The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA are
a. Avery and Chargaff.
c. Mendel and Griffith.
b. Hershey and Chase.
d. Watson and Crick.

____ 7. X-ray diffraction photographs by Wilkins and Franklin suggested that
a. DNA and RNA are the same molecules.
b. DNA is composed of either purines or pyrimidines, but not both.
c. DNA molecules are arranged as a tightly coiled helix.
d. DNA and proteins have the same basic structure.

____ 8. Watson and Crick built models that demonstrated that
a. DNA and RNA have the same structure.
b. the DNA helix is held together by hydrogen bonds.
c. guanine forms hydrogen bonds with adenine.
d. thymine forms hydrogen bonds with cytosine.

____ 9. Chargaff’s rules, or the base-pairing rules, state that in DNA
a. the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine.
b. the amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine.
c. the amount of guanine equals the amount of thymine.
d. Both a and b

____ 10. The base-pairing rules state that the following are base pairs in DNA:
a. adenine—thymine; uracil—cytosine.
b. adenine—thymine; guanine—cytosine.
c. adenine—guanine; thymine—cytosine.
d. uracil—thymine; guanine—cytosine.

____ 11. ATTG : TAAC ::

Complete each sentence or statement.

12. Watson and Crick determined that DNA molecules have the shape of a(n) ___________________.

13. According to base-pairing rules, adenine pairs with ____________________ and guanine pairs with ____________________.

14. I found today’s activity interesting (write yes or no and why).

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Thanks for checking out this site. Studying the practice questions will definitely help.


Mr. Gibney


1. ANS: A

2. ANS: C

3. ANS: A

4. ANS: D

5. ANS: B

6. ANS: C

7. ANS: D

8. ANS: B

9. ANS: C

10. ANS: D

11. ANS: A

12. ANS: C

13. ANS: B

14. ANS: D

15. ANS: A

16. ANS: A

17. ANS: C

18. ANS: B

19. ANS: D

20. ANS: A

21. ANS: B

22. ANS: C

23. ANS: C

24. ANS: B


25. ANS: C

26. ANS: B

27. ANS: C

28. ANS: D
29. ANS: A


30. ANS:
Major themes are: cell structure and function; stability and homeostasis; heredity; evolution; interdependence; and matter, energy, and organization. Stability refers to the control of cells and homeostasis. Heredity is the study of the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. Evolution refers to changes in species over time. Interdependence refers to ecology and the interaction of organisms with each other and the environment. Matter, energy, and organization refers to the need all living things have for energy.

31. ANS:
Protein channels that assist the diffusion of substances through the cell membrane do so by facilitated diffusion. Facilitated diffusion works in two directions. As long as a molecule or ion fits into the channel, it is free to pass through in either direction. Each kind of molecule or ion diffuses toward the side where it is least concentrated, eventually balancing the concentrations.
Active transport, on the other hand, allows ions to move through the cell membrane in one direction only, like a turnstile at a subway station. Active transport enables a cell to stockpile certain substances in far greater concentrations than they occur outside the cell. Almost all active transport in cells is carried out by the sodium-potassium pump and the proton pump.

32. ANS:
To remain alive and function optimally, cells, tissues, organs, and organisms must maintain a biological balance. Cells maintain this balance, or homeostasis, by controlling and regulating cell biology in response to their immediate environment.

33. ANS:
Endocytosis is the process taking place in Figure “A.” Endocytosis is the process by which cells engulf substances that are too large to enter the cell by passing through the cell membrane. Exocytosis is the process taking place in Figure “B.” Exocytosis is the process by which cellular wastes are discharged from sacs at the cell’s surface.