Monday, January 29, 2007

Cystic Fibrosis Webquest

1st Period Webquest!!!

3rd Period Webquest!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Stem Cell Research 1/24

Use the Following Link to See the Research Project

You must save your document in the G:Drive in "Gibney Biology 1st" Save the doc as "last name of group."

Refer to your handout to see which group you are in.

Mr. G

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Welcome to the class website!!!

First Period Webquest Answer Document

Second Period Webquest Answer Document

Cells Alive Link for First Part of Webquest

Sites for the Second Part of the Webquest

This article describes the digestive process and answers questions about human stomach cells.

Read this description of how human cells were tested in rats as part of a study of multiple sclerosis therapies.

This article describes how scientists at Cambridge University in Great Britain are studying the use of frog eggs in the rebuilding of human cells.,1282,33465,00.html

Scientists in Israel have studied how cells might be programmed to keep watch to signal the body about potential disease.

Learn about the discoveries scientists have made while studying human fat cells.

This article discusses how it may be possible to regrow brain cells, a process that was once thought to be impossible.