Thursday, November 30, 2006

HIV and AIDS webquest

This is a self-paced "webquest" activity. Click on any of the links below that interest you. Do at least three tasks and answer the questions in a word document

Save your Document in a Word File titled your Last Name and put it in the HIV folder on the G Drive for Webmastering

Note that there is a list of additional informational resources at the bottom of this page.

Webquest Choices

1) Informational Quiz #1 from Internet TESL Journal.
2) HIV Quizzes from AVERT, with different subjects and different levels of difficulty.
3) HIV/AIDS Quiz from iVillage.
Task: Try one or more of the quizzes.
Question: How did you do on the quiz(zes)? What kind of additional information about HIV and AIDS would you like to know? Continue with this activity to see if you can get more answers!

AIDS LifeCycle from the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry.
Task: Take the tour that explains and shows with images how the HIV virus causes AIDS.
Question: What did the site also say about ways in which scientists are working to stop the virus? (Hint: See Stage 2.)

Task: This web site lists AIDS statistics by country. Choose two or more places of interest to you.
Question: Compare the places that you chose. How are they similar? Different?

HIV Glossary from the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Task: Not sure about a word you've heard? Look it up in this special dictionary.
Question: Does this seem like a glossary for medical people, or for "every day" people? What information was helpful, and what was not?

Task: Choose "Interactive game: What would you do?"
Question: What were your results the first time you played? Go back again and try for a different result. What choices caused what kinds of results?

The Immune System and AIDS Crossword Puzzle
Task: Guess the answers in the puzzle. If you need help with vocabulary, try the free online dictionaries at iTools or Bartleby.
Question: What words did you already know? What new words did you learn?

Global HIV/AIDS Timeline, 1981-2005, from Kaiser Family Foundation.
Task: Pick a date that has personal importance to you, some time between the years 1981-2005. It could be a year you graduated, celebrated a birth, made a special trip, etc. Check that date on the timeline on this page.
Question: What was happening with HIV-AIDS in that year? What happened in the year(s) prior to that? Afterwards?

HIV and AIDS Webcasts from Healthology.
Task: Choose one or more webcasts to listen to and/or watch. Note that you can read the transcript at the same time if you like. (Your computer should have RealPlayer installed in order to receive the webcast. RealPlayer is available for free from Real.)
Question: Who delivered the information in the webcast(s)? How does this form of delivery (voices, video) differ from traditional text? Which do you prefer (how do you learn best), and why?

Daily HIV News Update from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Task: Choose an article on AIDS and prepare a short summary.
Question: What questions would you like to ask the author of this article? How could you find the answers?

It's Up to Us, An HIV-AIDS Curriculum for ESL Students
Task: Choose one of the five lessons or one of the supplementary exercises that interest you.
Question: Was this old or new information for you? Can you think of someone else who should know about this? If yes, email him or her the information from this site.

Making a Difference
Question: What can you do to help inform people about HIV and to reduce its spread in the world?
Task: Send an e-postcard from one of the following sites:
1) The Body
2) Red Cross Red Crescent

Expressing Yourself
Question: Do you know anyone who has been directly or indirectly affected by HIV-AIDS? What feelings or opinions does this topic bring to mind for you personally?
Task: Choose from the four forms below and write a poem about someone or something that you associate with HIV-AIDS.
Cinquaine Five-line poems that are very easy to write.
Diamante Diamond-shaped poems - real gems! Seven lines in all.
Haiku A short, three-line poem (originally from Japanese) with the form: 5,7,5 syllables.
Renga A poem written by three people together.

More HIV-AIDS Resources

The resources listed below are large directories or "portals" with additional articles, information, reports, research and statistics.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Preparation for Dissections

Today's Webquest will help prepare you for Basic Dissections. You will also look at a frog dissection online (since we do not do those in class). Remember that there is always an alternative assignment to dissecting if you choose to not participate.

Open up Microsoft Word and Save your Document as "Last name - dissection.doc" in the G Drive Folder: Gibney Biology (1st or 3rd).

At the top of your Word Document type your name, today's date, and class period. Clearly label three sections in your document: Earthworm, Frog, Animal of Your Choice.

Answer the Following Questions in order in your document.

1. Figure out the Phylum -Class -Family -Genus -Species - of an ordinary earthworm

2. Click on the external view of the earthworm. What is the big ring on an earthworm?

3. Describe five of the earthworm's internal organs and their functions (you can use any site for this).

4. Among the earthworm’s structural adaptations are its setae. How do you think the earthworm’s setae make it well adapted to its habitat? (Hint: you need to figure out what setae are)

5. How is the earthworm’s digestive system adapted for extracting relatively small amounts of food from large amounts of ingested soil?


1. Insert a picture of each system of the frog and describe each system in one sentence:
  • Digestive

2. Why might it be bad to dissect frogs? Find this online.


1. Choose an animal that you can find an online dissection of. Copy and paste the website into your word document. Describe in 5 sentences what you learned from the online dissection of this animal.

When you are done you may work on extra credit.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Library Research: 11/9

1st Period Webquest

3rd Period Webquest
This page, from the University of Michigan, describes flatworms.
This page, from the University of Michigan, describes roundworms.
This page, from the University of Michigan, describes segmented worms.
Find out more about the characteristics of segmented worms by visiting this page from Pennsylvania State University.
Find out more about the characteristics of roundworms by visiting this page from Pennsylvania State University.
Find out more about the characteristics of flatworms by visiting this page from Pennsylvania State University.
Visit this page from the Howe Public Schools in Howe, Oklahoma to compare flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms.
Information about flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms are found on this page from the Colorado Springs School District.
Compare flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms at this page from the South Central Service Cooperative in Camden, Arkansas.

Click on the link above for a kicking webquest on FrontPage!!