Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dearest Students, Parents, Families, and Loved Ones:

I hope that all finds you well and safe. I care deeply for each and every single one of you and I would love to hear from you if you have access to the site. Please email me at

Remember that it is through unity that we will get through this. When school starts again we'll get Biology rolling and make the best of this we can.

Best wishes and peace,
J. Gibney

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Weekly Syllabus for Biology (hope there's no hurricane!!)


Endo vs. Exocytosis

Sodium Potassium Pump

Passive and Active Transport

Extra Credit Wk3 Biology

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Weekly Syllabus 8/22 - 8/26

Bi-Lipid Cell Membrane

Eukaryotic Cell (Animal)

Eukaryotic Cell (Plant)

Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic cell(s)

Bio Extra Credit 8/22 - 8/26

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Welcome to Med 101

Welcome to Med-101 - Biology! We are about to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the world around us through observation, experimentation, and readings from the greatest scientists of all time. The year will be divided into units ranging from single biochemical molecules to the intricate relationships between all living things.

My particular style of teaching is based on three things: setting high expectations for EVERY student, showing respect for all students and expecting respect in return, and last, but certainly not least, parental involvement. Let’s work together to accomplish our goals. Check out the documents below for a look at a weekly syllabus and an extra credit assignment.

Weekly Syllabus for 8/15 - 8/19

Print this out and complete for Extra Credit. The astronauts on the Discovery experienced this!