Sunday, March 27, 2005

Title Sheet Posted by Hello

Interview Posted by Hello

Science Magic Posted by Hello

Collage Posted by Hello

Yucca Mountain Rubric Posted by Hello

Monday, March 21, 2005

Bio Extra Credit 3/21 - 3/24 Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

3/14 - 3/18 Extra Credit... think about our debates this week as you read and answer these questions Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

1st Semester Residency Review

Best of luck!

J. Gibney


Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The prefix kilo- means ____.
a. 1,000 b. 100 c. 0.01 d. 0.001

____ 2. The prefix milli- means ____.
a. 1,000 b. 100 c. 0.01 d. 0.001

____ 3. How many meters are there in 1,865 cm?
a. 0.1865 b. 1.865 c. 18.65 d. 186.5

____ 4. A beaker contains 0.32 L of water. What is the volume of this water in milliliters?
a. 320 mL b. 3.2 mL c. 32 mL d. 0.32 mL

____ 5. When designing an experiment, the first step is to ____.
a. analyze the data b. list a procedure c. state a hypothesis d. state the problem

____ 6. A standard for comparison that helps to ensure that the experimental result is caused by the condition being tested is the ____.
a. constant b. control c. dependent variable d. hypothesis

____ 7. A factor that does NOT change in an experiment is the ____.
a. constant b. control c. dependent variable d. hypothesis

____ 8. A factor that is manipulated in an experiment to change the dependent variable is the ____.
a. constant b. dependent variable c. control d. independent variable

____ 9. The smallest units of life in all living things are
a. cells. b. mitochondria. c. cytoplasm. d. Golgi apparatus.

____ 10. Surface area is an important factor in limiting cell growth because
a. the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large. b. materials cannot enter the cell if it is too large. c. the cell may become too large to take in enough food and to remove enough wastes. d. waste products cannot leave the cell if it is too small.

____ 11. Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?
a. They have a nucleus. b. They were found on Earth before eukaryotes. c. The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes. d. None of the above

____ 12. Only eukaryotic cells have
a. DNA. b. membrane-bound organelles. c. ribosomes. d. cytoplasm.

____ 13. Studying a picture of a cell taken with an electron microscope, you find that the cell has no nucleus and no mitochondria, but it does have a cell membrane and a cell wall. You conclude that the cell is probably from a(n)
a. animal. b. plant. c. prokaryote. d. now extinct organism.

____ 14. The structure that regulates what enters and leaves the cell is called
a. the nucleus. b. the cell wall. c. the nuclear membrane. d. the cell membrane.

____ 15. Cell membranes
a. are only found on a small number of cells. b. contain genes. c. are made of DNA. d. are thin coverings that surround cells.

____ 16. A structure within a cell that performs a specific function is called a(n)
a. organelle. b. organ tissue. c. tissue. d. biocenter.

____ 17. A particularly active cell might contain large numbers of
a. chromosomes. b. vacuoles. c. mitochondria. d. walls.

____ 18. In which of the following organelles is a cell’s ATP produced?
a. mitochondrion b. endoplasmic reticulum c. Golgi apparatus d. lysosome

____ 19. The packaging and distribution center of the cell is the
a. nucleus. b. Golgi apparatus. c. central vacuole. d. nuclear envelope.

____ 20. The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the
a. nucleolus. b. nuclear wall. c. nucleoplasm. d. nuclear envelope.

____ 21. How are chloroplasts like mitochondria?
a. They can both use energy from sunlight. b. They look alike. c. They both manufacture food and release energy. d. They are both found in animal cells.

____ 22. Plant cells have large membrane-bound spaces in which water, waste products, and nutrients are stored. These places are known as
a. mitochondria. b. chloroplasts. c. Golgi apparatus. d. vacuoles.

____ 23. Which of the following is the correct order of organization of structures in living things, from simplest to most complex?
a. organ systems, organs, tissues, cells b. tissues, cells, organs, organ systems c. cells, tissues, organ systems, organs d. cells, tissues, organs, organ systems

____ 24. The dispersal of ink in a beaker of water is an example of
a. diffusion. b. osmosis. c. active transport. d. endocytosis.

____ 25. The process by which water passes into or out of a cell is called
a. solubility. b. osmosis. c. selective transport. d. endocytosis.

____ 26. Based on the cycle of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, one can say that the ultimate original source of energy for all living things on Earth is
a. carbohydrates. b. water. c. the sun. d. carbon dioxide.

____ 27. When cells break down food molecules, energy
a. is released all at once. b. is released entirely as body heat into the environment. c. is temporarily stored in ATP molecules. d. causes excitation of electrons in chlorophyll molecules.

____ 28. The process of cellular respiration
a. is performed only by organisms that are incapable of photosynthesis. b. breaks down food molecules to release stored energy. c. occurs before plants are able to carry out photosynthesis. d. occurs only in animals.

____ 29. The name of the process that takes place when organic compounds are broken down in the absence of oxygen is
a. respiration. b. oxidation. c. fermentation. d. All of the above

____ 30. When muscles are exercised extensively in the absence of sufficient oxygen,
a. a large amount of ATP is formed. b. NADH molecules split. c. lactic acid is produced. d. oxidative respiration ceases.

____ 31. The chromosomes in your body
a. exist in 23 pairs. b. each contain thousands of genes. c. are about 40 percent DNA and 60 percent protein. d. All of the above

____ 32. A student can study a karyotype to learn about the
a. molecular structure of a chromosome. b. genes that are present in a particular strand of DNA. c. medical history of an individual. d. chromosomes present in a somatic cell.

____ 33. A diploid cell is one that
a. has two homologues of each chromosome. b. is designated by the symbol 2n. c. has chromosomes found in pairs. d. All of the above

____ 34. The diploid number of chromosomes in a human skin cell is 46. The number of chromosomes found in a human ovum is
a. 46. b. 92. c. 23. d. 12.5.

____ 35. Mitosis is a process by which
a. DNA is replicated. b. cytokinesis occurs. c. cells grow in size. d. a cell’s nucleus divides.

____ 36. Separation of homologues occurs during
a. mitosis. b. meiosis I. c. meiosis II. d. fertilization.

____ 37. The scientific study of heredity is called
a. meiosis. b. crossing-over. c. genetics. d. pollination.

____ 38. The “father” of genetics was
a. T. A. Knight. b. Hans Krebs. c. Gregor Mendel. d. None of the above

____ 39. A genetic trait that appears in every generation of offspring is called
a. dominant. b. phenotypic. c. recessive. d. superior.

____ 40. The phenotype of an organism
a. represents its genetic composition. b. reflects all the traits that are actually expressed. c. occurs only in dominant pure organisms. d. cannot be seen.

____ 41. If an individual has two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be
a. homozygous for the trait. b. haploid for the trait. c. heterozygous for the trait. d. mutated.

____ 42. An individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and produce many offspring that are
a. all the same genotype. b. of two different phenotypes. c. of three different phenotypes. d. all the same phenotype.

____ 43. Tallness (T) is dominant to shortness (t) in pea plants. Which of the following represents a genotype of a pea plant that is heterozygous for tallness?
a. T b. TT c. Tt d. tt

____ 44. The primary function of DNA is to
a. make proteins. b. store and transmit genetic information. c. control chemical processes within cells. d. prevent mutations.

____ 45. Molecules of DNA are composed of long chains of
a. amino acids. b. fatty acids. c. monosaccharides. d. nucleotides.

____ 46. A nucleotide consists of
a. a sugar, a protein, and adenine. b. a sugar, an amino acid, and starch. c. a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base. d. a starch, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base.

____ 47. The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA are
a. Avery and Chargaff. b. Hershey and Chase. c. Mendel and Griffith. d. Watson and Crick.

____ 48. The base-pairing rules state that the following are base pairs in DNA:
a. adenine—thymine; uracil—cytosine. b. adenine—thymine; guanine—cytosine. c. adenine—guanine; thymine—cytosine. d. uracil—thymine; guanine—cytosine.

____ 49. During DNA replication, a complementary strand of DNA is made for each original DNA strand. Thus, if a portion of the original strand is CCTAGCT, then the new strand will be

____ 50. The enzymes responsible for adding nucleotides to the exposed DNA template bases are
a. replicases. b. DNA polymerases. c. helicases. d. nucleotidases.

____ 51. RNA differs from DNA in that RNA
a. is sometimes single-stranded. b. contains a different sugar molecule. c. contains the nitrogen base uracil. d. All of the above

____ 52. Which of the following is not found in DNA?
a. adenine b. cytosine c. uracil d. None of the above

____ 53. During transcription
a. proteins are synthesized. b. DNA is replicated. c. RNA is produced. d. translation occurs.
Answer Section

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. C
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. C
35. D
36. B
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. B
41. A
42. B
43. C
44. B
45. D
46. C
47. D
48. B
49. D
50. B
51. D
52. C
53. C


Short Answer

1. Sequence the following steps: scientific law, problem, theory, hypothesis, experiment.

2. Arrange each of the following in order from largest to smallest.
1. centimeter
2. kilometers
3. meters
4. micrometers
5. millimeters


3. A living cell has certain characteristics in common with a working factory. In a factory, products are assembled according to specified plans, energy is used in the assembly process, products are packaged and taken out of the factory, and a supervisor directs and oversees all of the activities occurring in the factory. Draw a model of a factory, labeling areas where the following important activities would occur: main office where supervisor keeps the plans and oversees activities, assembly line, electricity generator, packaging center, and factory doors. Next to each of your labels, write the name of the cellular organelle or structure that has a similar function. Choose the cellular organelles and structures from the list that follows: nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuole. Write your answer in the space below.

Complete each sentence or statement.

4. A cell with a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane is called a(n) ____________________ cell.

5. The fluid portion of the cytoplasm is called the ____________________.

6. Photosynthesis takes place in the ____________________ of plant cells.

7. Both plant and animal cells have cell membranes. In addition, plant cells are surrounded by a(n) ____________________.

8. ____________________ is a biochemical pathway of cellular respiration that is anaerobic.

9. A picture of a cell’s chromosomes is called a ____________________.

10. ____________________ is the process by which bacteria split asexually into two identical organisms.

11. In bacteria, cell division takes place in two stages. First the ____________________ is copied, and then the cell splits.

12. In mitosis, anaphase follows ____________________.

13. After a new nuclear membrane forms during telophase of mitosis or meiosis, the ____________________ divides, resulting in two cells.

14. The process called ____________________ guarantees that the number of chromosomes in gametes is half the number of chromosomes in body cells.

15. The cells resulting from meiosis in either males or females are called ____________________.

16. ____________________ refers to the transmission of traits from parent to offspring in sexually reproducing organisms.

17. An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is called ____________________.

18. The likelihood that a specific event will occur is called ____________________.

19. A phenomenon in which a heterozygous individual has a phenotype that is intermediate between the phenotypes of its two homozygous parents is called ____________________.

20. Watson and Crick determined that DNA molecules have the shape of a(n) ____________________.

21. Due to the strict pairing of nitrogen base pairs in DNA molecules, the two strands are said to be ____________________ to each other.

22. According to base-pairing rules, adenine pairs with ____________________ and guanine pairs with ____________________.

23. Enzymes called ____________________ are responsible for unwinding the DNA double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds that hold the complementary strands together.

24. The process by which DNA copies itself is called ____________________.

25. The information contained in a molecule of messenger RNA is used to make protein during the process of ____________________.
Answer Section


1. problem, hypothesis, experiment, theory, scientific law

2. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4


3. main office—nucleus
assembly line—endoplasmic reticulum
electricity generator—mitochondrion
packaging center—Golgi apparatus
factory doors—cell membrane

4. eukaryotic
5. cytosol
6. chloroplasts
7. cell wall
8. Glycolysis
9. karyotype
10. Binary fission
11. DNA
12. metaphase
13. cytoplasm
14. meiosis
15. gametes
16. Heredity
17. homozygous
18. probability
19. incomplete dominance
20. double helix
21. complementary
22. thymine, cytosine
23. helicases
24. replication
25. translation