Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Quiz Bonus

I appreciate you checking out this website. For a bonus point on this test write the word RESPECT in big letters at the bottom of your test.

Sample Cell Quiz Answers

Reviewing the Sample Quiz Questions is a great way to study for each Friday Quiz. Below are the answers.

Cell Sample Quiz Answers

1. ANS: A

2. ANS: C

3. ANS: C

4. ANS: D

5. ANS: B

6. ANS: B

7. ANS: C

8. ANS: D

9. ANS: D

10. ANS: A

11. ANS: C

12. ANS: D

13. ANS: A

14. ANS: D

15. ANS: B

16. ANS: D

17. ANS: A

18. ANS: B

19. ANS: B

20. ANS: A

21. ANS: C

22. ANS: B

23. ANS: D

24. ANS: D


25. ANS: cell theory

26. ANS: size

27. ANS: organelles


28. ANS:
The organs of a multi-cellular organism each carry out specialized tasks that enable the whole organism to survive. Similarly, organelles of a single cell each carry out specialized tasks that enable the whole cell to survive.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Science Headshot Posted by Hello

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Bonus Question

On your test write "NO EXCUSES!" in the lower right hand corner to get 2 bonus points. Do not tell anyone about the bonus otherwise it will not count!

Mr. Gibney

Thursday, August 12, 2004


Welcome to Mr. Gibney's Biology class. This online version of the class will have important notes, projects, weekly homework assignments, and extra credit.

I'm pleased to have you in the class and look forward to an exciting semester of biology together.

Mr. Gibney